What is a key to a great headshot?

So what is the key to a great headshot? Well, there are a few. First of all you need a backdrop (it’s the black background). The second key is the auxiliary lighting. You need at least a couple on both sides. Third key is importance of knowing how to position the model. There’s a good practice to pull your head forward for a more sharp chin look. It might not be very natural for th  e model, but it will look great in the shot. Another thing that you need for a good headshot is a tripod. Why do you need a tripod? Because you can position it in a perfect gold spot and would not need to move it for all of your other shots. It would take only a couple shots to get a great one. There are some other tricks to make a great headshot, but these are the fundamental ones. I enjoy taking these professional headshots, because they look amazing straight out of camera. You don’t even necessarily need to edit them at all. All I did with these shots is I got rid of some blemishes and dark skin spots and sharpened the key areas. This guy creates some amazing headshots, so go ahead and check out his website: http://billyplankphotography.com

Key to a great headshot photography

The most important key to a great headshot photography tips

What is a key to a great headshot photography