Do you know how to prepare your photo for printing and framing?

prepare a photo for printing and framing mocked photo

At first, it doesn’t seem like preparing your photo for printing and framing is something you need to think about when you want to print it, but in reality it’s not that easy. There are a few things you need to consider before printing your photo and before you think about framing it. First of all, you gotta think about the editing process. Here’s an original photo that I just printed before I edited it:

prepare a photo for printing and framing original photo

So, before you print this photo, you need to consider the fact that photos print darker, so when you’re deciding how to edit your photo, think about the brightness of it and think about sharpening your focal points, because when you print your photo it will always look less sharp than your original. Second thing that you need to think about when you prepare your photo for printing and framing is sizing. You need to size your image to the dimensions. If you want the photo to be printed 16×24 inches, you need to make sure that it’s sized properly. You can always check your size by going to Photoshop: Image -> Image Size. If it’s not sized properly, it can be either cropped or stretched and will make the quality of your photo lower. Here’s what an edited photo looks like:


You will notice that this edited photo is a lot lighter and sharper than the original. That will help your photo to look good when you print it, but it’s always a try and error when you are printing your own photos. Once you have printed and satisfied with the outcome, save those files and use them for further prints. WHCC is a great company that does your prints fast, great quality and for very reasonable prices.

Here’s what my print looks like when it’s printed:

prepare a photo for printing and framing printed photo

As you can see it printed a lot darker than you would expect, even though I have brightened it up quite a bit. Make sure to follow these tips before printing and framing your photo. Your frame should match your style and color scheme. It also should be a little bit bigger than 16×24. I also recommend mounting your prints, because you can just frame them without glass glass and it will look professional. I mounted the photo above on foam, but if you mounted on styrene and print on metal, your photos are going to pop. I would spend a little bit more, but the quality is going to be amazing!

Hope you found these tips useful and now ready to prepare your photo for printing and framing!