How to create black background photography?

Ever wondered how some people create black background photography? It’s not magic, all it is a mastery of light. You don’t even need to have a backdrop (background). All you need is the right setting settings on your camera and a good angle. Want to see what I’m talking about?

Create-black background in photography Zorro

Create-black background in photography head sculpture

All you need to create this black background in photography is to set your ISO to 100, your F-stop to maximum (f/22) and your shutter speed to 150-200. By using a speed light you lighten up the subject or the areas of the subject that you want to show. Depending on the lightness you want you can change the settings on your speed light. I’ve used 64 for these shots and it was enough, but if it’s not enough for you, you could use 32, 16, 8 or even 4. It’s all up to you, but with these settings you can very simply create this amazing black background for  your photo.

Create-black background in photography accordion

All of these pictures were taken in a pretty bright room. I didn’t even need to close the blinds on the windows, so go ahead set your camera right for these types of photography with a black background and you can create pretty amazing things. Again, all you do is increasing the f-stop, and using the smallest ISO and setting your shutter speed in a 150-200 range. I’ve learned this trick from Glyn Davis. With settings like these you can even go and advertise Dorritos:

Create-black background in photography dorritos 

Create black background in photography Dorritos back stage